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Flooring material is available in different forms. However, hardwood ranks among the more popular choices for most home owners. It is suitable to most home designs and can be used in the modern or traditional settings to give your home the right appeal. Keep in mind that if your home has wooden flooring, it is essential to hire a professional cleaning service occasionally to keep your hardwood floors sparkling throughout. This is because poor maintenance results in increased wear and tear. Consequently, your hardwood floors will end up damaged and with a shortened lifespan.

Here are some ideas on how to maintain your wooden floor. They will help you keep an eye on the professional cleaning services next time they come to your home to work.

Moving furniture around can result in scratches to the floor. This can be mitigated by utilizing floor protectors. In order to enable the floor to age evenly, it is recommended that you move the furniture around the room every now and then. Constant exposure to sunlight causes the wood to fade. Not doing so will result in different shades of the same color on the floor.

Substances like sand, grit and dirt tend to damage wooden floors. It is advisable to place floor mats at entrances and exits in the house. Mats that have vinyl on the lower side are preferable because they do not discolour the wood. Rubber and foam, for example, are known to do the opposite. It is especially important to protect your floor if you have pets that use a litter tray. Pet litter is much like grit and dirt, so utilising mats on your floor is beneficial, as well as keeping your litter tray covered up.

Ice is a good cleaner for situations where chewing gum or candle wax have gotten stuck on the floor. Application of the ice enables you to scrape off these solid substances where the usual cleaning methods have failed. You can then use a blunt knife or scraper to remove the candle wax or chewing gum. Do not buff hardwood because it can lead to irreparable damage.

Wet mopping is not suitable for wooden floors. Water and detergents can cause wood to de-laminate, swell or warp. The best way to clean the wood with a liquid is by using a sprayer. A micro fibre pad will come in handy, especially one that is used for liquid cleaners.

Water is the only known liquid that cleans wood properly. Using water with a combination of other chemicals or with standalone chemicals leads to the damage of wood.
You should have a routine of vacuuming, dusting and cleaning your wooden floor. Wooden finishes get affected by cumulative dust and other fragments through scratching. You will also end up with a dull wooden finish.

In the event of a food or liquid spill, you should wipe the spot on the floor right away. Do not use an abrasive material to do so because it will lead to damage of the wooden floor surface. A soft cloth gets the job done properly.

Maintaining a wooden floor requires a special approach because wood is sensitive and can be damaged easily when the right approach is not used. Follow the aforementioned tips to clean your wooden floor and everything will be fine with a little help from!